Friday, May 30, 2008

Morning walks

For the past week, since i want to make a little more time exercising, and also because its getting warmer up here, i've been waking up an hour earlier and talking morning walks.
And since i've been having trouble sleeping, i should just get up anyway instead of struggling to try to get rest.
Anyways, it really beautiful, the other day, i couldn't sleep, so it was really early in the morning when me and another girl went on an very early morning walk to watch the sunrise-beautiful!
Nature makes me happy, and it makes me feel so close to the Lord, so maybe thats the main reason why i'm doing this.
Thank You Jesus, for morning walks.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Moving Again

I don't even know where..only the Lord knows.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sex at work

Here's three simple steps to avoid the lawsuit and not be misunderstood that you are trying to sexually harras someone at work
1. Be Handsome
2. Be Attractive
3. And don't be Unattractive
tadda! hahahah

Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to you Mimi

I love you so much, and your a great friend Mimi. There are many fond memories of you that i can think of, but right now, i just want to congradulate you. Happy 20th birthday, you are now legal to drink in japan ..hahahha.......anyways, no matter how old you become, i hope you'll still be that fun, sexy, crazy, beautiful, full of the lord, inspirationalist, fighter, aggressive, smart, humours, big breasted, friendly, cool, and whatever else you are that is good for you and for others.
I love you! Muah!